Sunday 30 September 2012

This Perforated Bill Would Make It Super Easy To Literally Split the Check [Wish You Were Here]

You may be at a point in your life where splitting the bill comes off as tacky, but everybody's been in that position where it's totally necessary. For those times, like college, the Go Dutch Bill would come in super handy, if it actually existed. More »


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Christie: GOP Still Shouldn't Back Akin

A nation inured to wanton murder was nevertheless shocked by this one: In November 2010, a group of four young men milling about as a party ended attacked another teen, randomly picking him as the victim of their vicious assault. Bobby Tillman, 18, did nothing to provoke his assailants to knock him to the ground and kick and stomp him to death.The crime occurred outside a suburban Atlanta home after parents called a halt to a teen party that had gotten out of control. This was no beating by members of a rival gang, no attack set off by longstanding grudges or old misunderstandings. ...


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Unmet Needs of Veterans with Psychological Injuries Reaches Epidemic Proportions with Rise in Suicide & Sexual Assault

Join 30 top mind-body healing experts in exploring new alternatives for veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & in addressing unique challenges faced by female veterans.

Rhinebeck, NY (PRWEB) September 29, 2012

As reported by the New York Times, [45 percent of veterans that have served in Iraq or Afghanistan are now requesting support for their injuries, in many instances psychological injuries. President Obama recently stated that we are losing more troops to suicide than we are losing in combat, calling the issue an epidemic and demanding that ?we?ve got to do better.? Additionally, there has been a 97% increase in sexual assault in the military over the past five years, creating trauma in female veterans.

In response to the rise in unmet health needs of returning veterans, Omega Institute is convening an unprecedented gathering of experts in trauma and the treatment of trauma for veterans using complementary and alternative medicine. Veterans, Trauma & Treatment?Best Mind-Body Practices: A Professional Conference Addressing Resiliency to Recovery will be held October 12?14, 2012 on Omega?s campus in Rhinebeck, New York, and is intended for healthcare professionals, psychologists, social workers, caregivers, and counselors assisting veterans battling with PTSD and their families. Omega will also offer additional programs in addressing combat-related issues through yoga therapy, and will hold two healing retreats to address the specific needs of female veterans.

?We see a critical need to support returning vets beyond what the current system is equipped to provide. The road to healing from the trauma of war is complex, and we are honored to be working with some of the nation?s most forward-thinking health experts and veterans? advocates, to collaborate on best practices in healing modalities in an effort to help more veterans get treatment, more quickly,? said Carla Goldstein, chief external affairs officer at Omega.

The conference will also touch on resilience studies, and some remarkable trauma prevention work being undertaken with combat and noncombat soldiers. Join Jon Kabat-Zinn, Bessel van der Kolk, Peter A. Levine, officers and retired officers from the United States Army, Navy, and Air Force, and other extraordinary leaders who offer creative solutions to the myriad problems that come with PTSD. For a complete list of presenters, visit

For more than 20 years, Omega has been engaged with veterans and family members dealing with issues of PTSD. Following this groundbreaking conference for professionals, Omega will offer additional workshops for veterans, including:

Teaching Yoga in Military Communities, Part 2: Advanced Teaching Skills for Addressing Combat-Related Issues

October 14?19. Professional training for yoga teachers. Participants need to complete Part 1 (teleseminar) before attending Part 2.

As the United States military adopts more evidence-based, mind-body approaches and seeks to hire competent instructors, specialized training focused on military culture and combat-related conditions will be a great benefit. This 5-day certification program for yoga teachers provides a solid foundation in the art and science of teaching yoga in a military setting. Seasoned teachers, with medical, mental health, and military backgrounds, who have significant experience teaching yoga to servicemen and servicewomen, will train teachers in the effective use of yoga for post-deployment physical and psychological conditions.

Military & Veteran Women?s Healing Retreat(s)

October 14?19 (already full) and a second retreat October 22?26 (space still available). This program, including room and board, is available at no cost to qualified female veterans or active duty women in the military.

With the alarming rise in sexual assault in the military, and many other unique challenges, the wounds of war often run deeper and longer for female veterans. Major (fmr) Nisha Money, former chief of United States Air Force Fitness, and a team of healing arts therapists, along with financial, employment, and life-skill reintegration experts, will guide attendees through a variety of holistic healing modalities and other helpful resources. For scholarship information, call 845.266.4444, ext. 180.

About Omega Institute for Holistic Studies

Founded in 1977, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is the nation?s most trusted source for wellness and personal growth. As a nonprofit organization, Omega offers diverse and innovative educational experiences that inspire an integrated approach to personal and social change. Located on 195 acres in the beautiful Hudson Valley, Omega welcomes more than 23,000 people to its workshops, conferences, and retreats in Rhinebeck, New York, and at exceptional locations around the world.

# # #

Chrissa Pullicino
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
845.266.4444 404
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Saturday 29 September 2012

How not to raise legal ethics issues as to a candidate - Le?gal In?sur ...

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren?s law license problem?last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren?s practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade.

I also have noted that Warren refuses to disclose the full extent of her practice, so what we know is limited to what we have been able to dig out of public records.? ?I wish we had more from the Warren campaign, but any additional facts almost certainly will make the situation worse for Warren as such facts will reveal more cases and more legal practice.

A number of critics have disagreed with my legal conclusions from these facts, although some of them are coming around to recognize the seriousness of Warren?s predicament.

But not a single critic has been able to show that any of the facts I?presented are incorrect.? Nor could they, because?I presented the documents.

Contrast my fact-based, document-driven presentation with?the way in which Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin raised ethical issues with regard to Scott Brown?s practice of law at the Credit Slips blog, Did Scott Brown Facilitate Predatory Loans?

In that blog post, which has been linked and cited as authority by Huffington Post, Levitin suggested that Brown may have ethical problems, without presenting any?evidence.

Instead, Levitin just threw out a bunch of questions wondering whether Brown facilitated predatory lending because one of the mortgage companies for which he did title work in local house closings owned a separate company which was accused of predatory lending.

That?s right, the only facts cited by Levitin were that Brown did title?work for a company which itself did nothing wrong, but which owned a separate entity which allegedly did something wrong.? No facts were presented as to what Brown himself allegedly did wrong.

From that sparse and tangential (at best) relationship, Levitin wrote, in part (emphasis mine):

But at the very least, Brown?s association raises a host of questions. Who were those ?mortgage companies? that he worked for?? It?s nice that Brown named a bunch of local banks, but I wonder what lies under the ?mortgage company? label?? What did Scott Brown understand about the mortgage market he was facilitating? Did he recognize that there was a bubble?? (He was a town property assessor at one point, so one would think he?d notice this sort of thing.) If not, what does that say?? And if so, what does that say? How many predatory loans did Scott Brown facilitate?? How many of the loans where he handled the closing resulted in foreclosure?? What would he say to those families that lost their homes to predatory loans?

I suspect that Brown?s reply to these questions would be ?Aw shucks, I?m just a guy with a pickup truck with 238,000 miles on it who was helping people out by doing the paperwork on their real estate closings.?? That?s not good enough. Either Brown was so inept that he didn?t see that the loans he was closing were becoming untenable or Brown saw the problem and didn?t do anything. As long as the music?s playing, the guy?s gotta earn a living, right?

I have highlighted the sentence in question because it suggests that loans Brown closed became ?untenable? and that there were problems ?Brown saw ? and didn?t do anything? about.? Where is the evidence of that?? Where is the public record of loans Brown closed which were predatory?? Where is the evidence that such loans resulted in an inordinate number of foreclosures?

Levitin also doesn?t present any law as to how, assuming some of the loans Brown closed were ?predatory,? Brown violated any ethical obligations by acting as the closing attorney.?? Indeed, Levitin conceded there were no legal ethics issues:

Obviously as a legal matter, the attorney handling a real estate closing has no duty to shield people from making a bad business decision (particularly if he?s representing the bank).

There is no evidence and no law to suggest that Brown had ethical issues.? Instead,?Levitin just threw out hypothetical questions which, by the way in which they?were asked, presumed that Brown did something wrong.

From that, Levitin concluded:

At the very least, it looks like Scott Brown was riding the mortgage bubble, serving as a cog in the machine.

It is irresponsible law professor blog posts like Levitin?s which make it harder for serious issues, such as Warren?s law license problem, to be taken seriously.

When there are law professors who just throw ethical accusations?with reckless abandon, it besmirches those of us who do take the time to present the evidence and the law, and to raise issues the mainstream media doesn?t understand or willfully ignores.

Update:??This is interesting:

?She expects a lot,? said Adam Levitin, a professor at Georgetown Law School who was a student of Warren?s at Harvard between 2002 and 2005. But, he said, Warren also gives a lot.

?She prepares assiduously and takes the teaching very seriously as part of her job. No one doesn?t think they?ve gotten their money?s worth out of the class,? Levitin said.

I?m sure if I dug deeper, I?d find more connection. But I?m too busy digging for facts as to Warren?s practice of law.





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For Romney, debates about high stakes, low expectations (CNN)

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Friday 28 September 2012

Summer's over, drought persists in most of Lower 48

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

You'd think the end of summer would mean the end ? or at least beginning of the end???of this year's drought, but the nation's official stat keepers on Thursday revealed otherwise.

With the Midwest corn harvest in full swing, the worst U.S. drought in decades actually worsened:?65.45 percent of the lower 48 states was in some form of drought on Tuesday, up from 64.82 percent a week earlier, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.?

The 65.45 percent is a new record in the 12-year index tracked by the monitor, and it could get worse before getting better.

"I would not be too surprised to see conditions continue to worsen if we do not see widespread rain/snow events" soon, Brian Fuchs, a climatologist who compiles the stats for the Drought Monitor, told NBC News. "The forecast does not bode well for any type of widespread improvements any time soon outside of the central and eastern Corn Belt and maybe into portions of Arkansas and Texas."

"The western and northern Great Plains have indeed continued to worsen and this has spread into the central and northern Rocky Mountains as well," he added.

Brad Rippey, a meteorologist for the Department of Agriculture, noted that?the Seasonal Drought Outlook indicates any improvements are likely to "be at least partially offset by worsening conditions from the Pacific Northwest to the upper Midwest."?

Why the drought's impact on a small sector of the economy could sway the presidential election, with CNBC's Steve Liesman.

Other stats from the latest Drought Monitor were not encouraging:

  • Areas in extreme or exceptional drought, the two worst categories, were at 21.5 percent, up from 20.7 percent a week earlier.
  • The worst drought conditions remain in the heart of the U.S. breadbasket, reported: Nebraska at 73 percent, Kansas at 51 percent and Oklahoma at 42 percent.
  • Iowa: 100 percent of the nation's biggest corn producer is in some form of drought. That's the same as the previous week.
  • Minnesota: 77 percent is now in drought, up from 64 percent, with extreme conditions in the northwest and spreading into southern areas, noted.
  • North Dakota: 95 percent is in drought, up from 88 percent the week before.
  • South Dakota: The entire state is in some form of drought, up from 96 percent.

As bad as it's been, some farmers are feeling lucky they got as much out of their harvests as they have.

"Technology and farm practices have helped compared to the last significant drought in the Corn Belt back in 1988," said Fuchs.

That technology includes seed hybrids engineered to be drought tolerant. While environmentalists are concerned genetically engineered plants will alter ecosystems, farmers are quick adopters.

Related: Drought-resistant corn seen as minimizing crop loss this year
Related: Drought-induced 'bacon shortage' not quite what it seems
Related: Time-lapse photos show drought's impact on corn field

Another factor has been Mother Nature.

"Some soybeans in the mid-South and lower Midwest were helped by late-summer rainfall, which included the remnants of Hurricane Isaac," said Rippey.

In the case of corn, "perhaps one of the biggest wild cards ... was the timing of reproduction," he added. A June/July heat wave "hammered corn in the lower Midwest," he said, while the western Corn Belt was hit by a separate heat wave in July.?

"Fields that managed to pollinate either before or after these two heat waves fared better," he said.

"Still, we lost more than one-quarter (28 percent) of the U.S. corn production from pre-drought estimates ? a total of nearly 4.1 billion bushels," he said. "Nearly one-fifth (18 percent) of the U.S. soybean production, or 575 million bushels, was lost."

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Electronics that vanish in the environment or the body

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Physicians and environmentalists alike could soon be using a new class of electronic devices: small, robust and high performance, yet also biocompatible and capable of dissolving completely in water -- or in bodily fluids.

Researchers at the University of Illinois, in collaboration with Tufts University and Northwestern University, have demonstrated a new type of biodegradable electronics technology that could introduce new design paradigms for medical implants, environmental monitors and consumer devices.

"We refer to this type of technology as transient electronics," said John A. Rogers, the Lee J. Flory-Founder Professor of Engineering at the U. of I., who led the multidisciplinary research team. "From the earliest days of the electronics industry, a key design goal has been to build devices that last forever -- with completely stable performance. But if you think about the opposite possibility -- devices that are engineered to physically disappear in a controlled and programmed manner -- then other, completely different kinds of application opportunities open up."

Three application areas appear particularly promising. First are medical implants that perform important diagnostic or therapeutic functions for a useful amount of time and then simply dissolve and resorb in the body. Second are environmental monitors, such as wireless sensors that are dispersed after a chemical spill, that degrade over time to eliminate any ecological impact. Third are consumer electronic systems or sub-components that are compostable, to reduce electronic waste streams generated by devices that are frequently upgraded, such as cellphones or other portable devices.

Transient electronic systems harness and extend various techniques that the Rogers' group has developed over the years for making tiny, yet high performance electronic systems out of ultrathin sheets of silicon. In transient applications, the sheets are so thin that they completely dissolve in a few days when immersed in biofluids. Together with soluble conductors and dielectrics, based on magnesium and magnesium oxide, these materials provide a complete palette for a wide range of electronic components, sensors, wireless transmission systems and more.

The team has built transient transistors, diodes, wireless power coils, temperature and strain sensors, photodetectors, solar cells, radio oscillators and antennas, and even simple digital cameras. All of the materials are biocompatible and, because they are extraordinarily thin, they can dissolve in even minute volumes of water.

The researchers encapsulate the devices in silk. The structure of the silk determines its rate of dissolution -- from minutes, to days, weeks or, potentially, years.

"The different applications that we are considering require different operating time frames," Rogers said. "A medical implant that is designed to deal with potential infections from surgical site incisions is only needed for a couple of weeks. But for a consumer electronic device, you'd want it to stick around at least for a year or two. The ability to use materials science to engineer those time frames becomes a critical aspect in design."

Since the group uses silicon, the industry standard material for integrated circuits, they can make highly sophisticated devices in ways that exploit well-established designs by introducing just a few additional tricks in layout, manufacturing and supporting materials. As reported in the Sept. 28 issue of the journal Science, the researchers have already demonstrated several system-level devices, including a fully transient 64-pixel digital camera and an implantable applique designed to monitor and prevent bacterial infection at surgical incisions, successfully demonstrated in rats.

Next, the researchers are further refining these and other devices for specific applications, conducting more animal tests, and working with a semiconductor foundry to explore high-volume manufacturing possibilities.

"It's a new concept, so there are lots of opportunities, many of which we probably have not even identified yet" Rogers said. "We're very excited. These findings open up entirely new areas of application, and associated directions for research in electronics."

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency supported this work. The Tufts University team was led by Fiorenzo Omenetto; the Northwestern University team was led by Youggang Huang. Rogers is affiliated with the departments of materials science and engineering, of chemistry, of mechanical science and engineering, of bioengineering and of electrical and computer engineering, and with the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the U. of I.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Suk-Won Hwang, Hu Tao, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Huanyu Cheng, Jun-Kyul Song, Elliott Rill, Mark A. Brenckle, Bruce Panilaitis, Sang Min Won, Yun-Soung Kim, Young Min Song, Ki Jun Yu, Abid Ameen, Rui Li, Yewang Su, Miaomiao Yang, David L. Kaplan, Mitchell R. Zakin, Marvin J. Slepian, Yonggang Huang, Fiorenzo G. Omenetto, and John A. Rogers. A Physically Transient Form of Silicon Electronics. Science, 2012; 337 (6102): 1640-1644 DOI: 10.1126/science.1226325

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Haunting photos of buildings long-forgotten

Photographer Matthew Christopher , Abandoned America, ?photographs abandoned sites across America.? He documents the lost history and soul of structures as varied as homes, steel plants and asylums.????

Reporter's notebook by Jane Derenowski, NBC News

Things sound different in a place where no one goes. ??

Words echo off walls in empty rooms. ?

Real or imagined creatures scurry through mysterious puddles. ?

Shadows fall in strange places.?

Time doesn?t stop in abandoned buildings, it just moves differently -- and before their ultimate demise, photographer Matthew Christopher is determined to document the life, purpose, and deterioration of these structures.

They aren't just brick and mortar, wood and windows -- Christopher believes the abandoned buildings dotting America?s landscape also have something of a soul. ?He wants us to remember our country?s neglected factories, schools, churches, and hospitals before they are gone forever.?

He started this project 10 years ago while working in the mental health field. ?Some of his first photographs were inside a deserted asylum. ?

Since then, he?s documented dozens of abandoned buildings across the country and presented their stories at galleries and on his website, ?The goal, he says, is to highlight the economic failures leading to their downfall and the social impact on communities fractured by the closing of these neighborhood mainstays.

Photographer Matthew Christopher , Abandoned America, ?explains his passion for taking pictures of abandoned sites across America. ?He documents the lost history and soul of structures as varied as homes, steel plants and asylums.?

We met recently at the partially deserted Holmesburg Prison near Philadelphia. ?It was eerie, but there was a certain beauty in the stillness and things left behind. ?Inside, it reminded me of a quote by French composer Claude Debussy who famously said, ?Music is the space between the notes.? The places Christopher photographs tell their stories with silence and extraordinary light ? the spaces between the life and death of a building.?

His pictures make me feel like someone told me a secret.?

Christopher is a thoughtful man, melancholy in his assessment of decay -- and I feel lucky he shared his art and technique with us. ?I am also grateful to NBC News photographer Bob Riggio for documenting our adventure inside a place almost no one goes.




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Thursday 27 September 2012

Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan: 'Penalties, family size out of RH Bill' | Sun.Star

Thursday, September 27, 2012

AMONG the amendments to the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill are the issues the Catholic Church leaders strongly opposed.

Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan (Gabriela Partylist) said the penalties and provision on ideal family size were already stricken out of House Bill 4424 or the ?act providing for a comprehensive policy on responsible parenthood, reproductive health, population development and for other purposes.?

Check our new look and tell us what you think.

She said adolescent RH and sexuality programs will be for Grade 6 students and no longer for Grade 5 pupils.

The parents also have the option whether to allow or disallow their children from attending this particular program.

Ilagan was a guest speaker at a forum on RH bill amendments held at the Cebu Normal University yesterday afternoon.

?There will be no punishment for those who will not implement the family planning program of the government,? she told an audience of students, academics and community workers.

Catholic Church leaders have opposed the bill, citing that some provisions are against doctrines, such as the use of artificial contraceptives.

Some of the provisions they opposed included adolescent sexual education and penalties for those who would refuse to teach artificial planning methods.

Not participating

In an earlier interview, Cebu Archbishop and Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) President Jose Palma said the bishops refuse to participate in the technical working group tasked to come up with amendments to the bill.

He said participating would be tantamount to agreeing to the contents of the bill when the Church opposes its passage in its entirety.

Hospitals owned and operated by religious groups have the option to provide artificial family planning methods or not while the mobile health care services that were initially proposed to be funded by the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of legislators will now be funded by the National Government.


Ilagan said the proposal includes sanctions for pharmaceutical companies that would collude with government officials in partisan politics. These sanctions include confiscation of license, fines and revocation of licenses.

The provision on the ideal family size or the two-child policy has been removed, while the provision making it compulsory for employers to provide RH care, since it is already part of the Labor Code, was also stricken from the revised version.

?Family planning supplies as essential medicines were revised. It now states that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shall determine the safety and efficacy of medicines,? said Ilagan.

Published in the Sun.Star Cebu newspaper on September 27, 2012.

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Finding Your Way Back to You by Lynne Saint - Self Help Daily

Finding Your Way Back to You

One of my favorite e-mails to receive is one containing the words, ?Could we send you a book to review on your self help blog?? Beautiful words to this book lover ? absolutely beautiful.? More times than not, if someone offers you a book to read and review, the book will be great. People with so-so or even bad books don?t seek reviewers. Why would they?!

Finding Your Way Back to You by Lynne Saint is a very special little book.? Very. It takes real talent to pack so much information, motivation, and inspiration into a mere 141 pages. I?ve read books 4 times as long that didn?t leave even half the impact this fun-to-read and even funner to live book does.

From the Back Cover:

Are you at a crossroads in life, lacking in motivation, looking for a new direction, or just plain ?stuck??

Finding your Way back to YOU is a practical resource written specifically for women who have found themselves in any of these positions.

Written by Lynne Saint ? experienced Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist ? this is a hands-on book with an accompanying downloadable journal and weblinked exercises.

Lynne?s straight-talking guidance, drawn from Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, will help you to change your behaviour, and motivate and support you throughout your personal journey of self-discovery. This book will help you to develop and achieve the goals that you have dreamed of.

This book is written to and for women because we are the ones who are most in danger of ?losing ourselves.?? We wear so many different titles in life?

  • wife
  • mother
  • daughter
  • employee
  • etc..

We?re supposed to be, literally, ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE. Whether we?re caring for aging parents, raising small children, trying to make ends meet financially, or simply trying to be the best wife and mother we can be ? we very often neglect something that?s just as important: Trying to be the best us we can be!

That?s where this wonderful, upbeat, and inspiring book comes in. The words, quotes, and exercises cause you to think? I mean really think? and that?s the point.? We can?t hope to reunite with our true self if we fail to realize she?s missing.

Here?s a scenario most of us are familiar with:? When we were teenagers, and even into our early 20?s, we wouldn?t be caught dead in public (especially in front of that special someone) without just the right clothes on, our hair done, make-up perfect, perfume in place, and nails looking NICE.? Fast forward a little bit.? Add a child or two or three to the picture.? There?s laundry to do, bathrooms to clean, meals to cook, a family to care for ? often on top of working.

Nail polish? Perfume? Ha!

We tend to lose ourselves in all the chaos and chores.? We become someone?s mother, someone?s wife, someone?s grandmother,? someone?s employee?. I did something alarming one time which, quite frankly, served to wake me up.? As I sat at home on the couch one night, in sweatpants and a huge t-shirt with my hair a hot mess, I wondered, ?What would the 18 year old me think if she?d looked into the future and saw this??

My initial reaction: She?d cry!? To say that I was all about looking my best when I was a teenager would be the biggest understatement in the world.? I was always armed with extra nail polish, perfume, make-up, and even a spritzer bottle I kept filled with scented water to spray on my naturally curly hair.

Scented!? I honestly added a little of my favorite AVON fragrances to this ?miracle water? (Sweet Honesty until I graduated to Soft Musk).

We tend to lose track of the real us ? the one who wants to look, feel, and be her best. Sadly, many women allow their dreams to die because they become so preoccupied with helping others live their dreams.

?You aren?t going to change your unique personality, and neither should you want to, but the new skills you will learn in (Finding Your Way Back to You) will give you the awareness to manage your traits to become your best and most successful self.? - Page 2

How committed are you to your marriage?

How committed are you to your children?

How committed are you to your parents?

How committed are you to your job?

How committed are you to your home?

Now, the tough question. How committed are you to you?

Finding Your Way Back to You isn?t just a book, it?s a journey. That may sound very self-helpish and it may be dripping in ?guru juice,? but it?s true in every sense of the word.? You don?t simply read and discard Finding Your Way Back to You, you WORK and GROW through the book.? You take a journey and the destination is the you that you dreamed of being when you were 18.

  • Learn to recognize what or who is holding you back.
  • Learn to identify destructive thoughts and reprogram them to help rather than hurt.
  • Learn to block limiting beliefs.
  • Regain your confidence and even your swagger!
  • Find balance in your life that?ll allow everyone around you, including you, to live the life of their dreams.
  • Get motivated and find out how to STAY motivated.
  • Boost your self-esteem.
  • Become the person the little girl version of yourself would be proud of.

As you read the book, you can find free worksheets that?ll help you along your journey.? You can download them on the publisher?s website.

Finding Your Way Back to You is available on UK?s Amazon in paperback, but on our Amazon (USA) I can only find it as a Kindle Edition. If you have a Kindle, this is awesome news for you because the Kindle edition of Finding Your Way Back to You is only a couple of dollars!

One way or another, just get your hands on Finding Your Way Back to You!? This is the sort of book you?ll pass around to every female you know.? I can?t wait for my daughters to read it ? I think it?ll keep them form ever ?losing? any part of themselves.

What better gift could a mother give her girls?!

?It?s never too late to be what you might have been.? - George Elliott, Author

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  1. Quote of the Day by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  2. Instead of Finding an Excuse, Wouldn?t it Be Better to Find a Way?
  3. Meet Your Truest Self Author Janice Lynne Lundy
  4. How to Cut Back on Salt and Why You Should Do So
  5. Baseball?s Back!
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Google executive in Brazil faces arrest over elections law

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Wednesday 26 September 2012

University unveils new student health insurance plan | The ...

Students will experience the effects of the Affordable Care Act firsthand with the new health insurance plan offered by the University. While students may remain on their parents? health insurance until age 26, they can elect to purchase the revamped student plan, which aims to provide affordable coverage for student health needs.

?The two biggest changes are an increase in benefit for medication and mental health as a result of the Affordable Care Act,? said Jake Rapp, a graduate student from Lawrence. ?The plan was designed for the student health insurance market, which assumes students are young and healthy single people.?

Rapp served on the Student Insurance Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents, which was tasked with making a student insurance plan that complied with the health care reform.

Because most students just need prescription drug coverage and access to general care, Rapp said, the new plan at $104 a month is much lower than standard plans. Rapp finds purchasing the student plan less expensive than being covered by his wife?s health insurance offered by her professional employer.

Currently, more than 3,000 KU students purchase the Regent?s insurance plan, and Diana Gillespie, associate director of KU Student Health Services, expects this number to only increase. While insurance companies are required to allow students to remain on their parents? plan through age 25, the increased premiums may make the Regent?s plan more affordable, she said.? Gillespie pointed to pharmaceuticals covered up to $100,000 previously capped at $2,500, full generic contraceptive coverage and congenital conditions covered up to $20,000 as changes that make the revised plan more competitive for students.

Mary Beth Chambers, spokesperson for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, said staying on a parent?s policy or using the Regent?s plan would likely be most cost-effective for students. Although students may remain on their parents? plan longer, Chambers did not anticipate a significant impact on the cost of health insurance.

?It?s been the trend for the cost of health insurance premiums to increase substantially based solely on students remaining on their parents? plans,? Chambers said.? On the Blue Cross and Blue Shield website, students can view the plans available based on their age, gender and benefits desired.

Travis Wentworth, a graduate student from Berwick, Maine, has been satisfied with his student insurance so far, especially after he injured his knee last year.

?I had knee surgery, and the insurance covered about 80 percent of the surgery cost,? Wentworth said. He has heard other graduate students complain about the Regent?s plan not covering some of their health needs, though.

The plan currently covers treatment for each condition up to $100,000, which will increase to $500,000 in 2014 and will become unlimited in 2017 because of the Affordable Care Act provisions.? While $100,000 might not be enough to cover a catastrophic condition such as cancer, Rapp said the statistical probability of such a condition is very low for students.? And if students want catastrophic coverage, he recommended purchasing it separately from an independent provider.

Students should be able to use their insurance most everywhere, Gillespie said, since the plan?s provider, United Health Care, is accepted across the country. Even if students choose a different insurance policy, Gillespie encourages all students to be covered at all times.

?Unexpected medical expenses are one of the biggest reasons students aren?t able to complete their education,? Gillespie said. ?We want to make sure they have the protection they need to avoid those expenses.?

? Edited by Joanna Hlavacek


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EU rejects U.S. claim to have weaned Boeing off subsidies

GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. aircraft giant Boeing is still getting U.S. subsidies despite Washington's claim to have stopped the handouts, the European Union said on Tuesday in the latest round of the world's biggest trade dispute.

The EU's claim came one day after the U.S. Trade Representative's office said it had complied with a ruling by a World Trade Organisation dispute panel that found Boeing had benefited from illegal payments. The United States had until September 23 to comply.

"We had expected that the U.S. would have finally complied in good faith with its international commitments and would have abided by the WTO rulings that clearly condemned U.S. subsidies to Boeing", EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said in a statement.

"We are disappointed that this does not seem to be the case. So, the U.S. leaves us with no other choice but to insist on proper compliance before the World Trade Organisation. We are confident that this process will finally lead to a level playing field in the aircraft sector."

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative's office said the United States was confident it has fully complied with the WTO ruling against U.S. subsidies for Boeing, but was still studying the EU's claim it had not.

"Based on our initial review, the EU simply does not account for many of the changes announced by the United States. For example, the EU included programs in its request that we made clear have been terminated," USTR spokeswoman Andrea Mead said.

The U.S. has set out very clearly how it had complied with the WTO ruling, and the numerous steps it has taken to insure full compliance, Boeing spokesman Charlie Miller said.

The U.S. is still trying to stop European governments from subsidizing Airbus, including so-called launch aid for the Airbus A350 jet, Miller said.

"There is a crystal clear ruling against launch aid subsidies, yet the European governments are continuing to provide illegal subsidies for development of the A350," Miller said. "The U.S. government is pursuing the WTO processes necessary to bring an end to these subsidies and Boeing fully supports the actions that the government is taking."

The EU's latest complaint is likely to result in meetings between the two sides about the EU case against the U.S., Miller said. At the same time, compliance hearings on the U.S. case are also taking place. "That is moving ahead rapidly," Miller said. "It is likely that the compliance panel will make a ruling in the next few months."

A U.S. industry official, speaking on condition that he not be identified, said the EU appeared to have decided to challenge the U.S. submission before it was even filed.

Typically, a country would first ask for more information and only take action if still dissatisfied, he said.


The EU's complaint is part of a seven-year trade battle over subsidies for Boeing and Airbus. Washington and Brussels have both won WTO rulings that the other paid billions of dollars of illegal subsidies to its aircraft industry.

Both have claimed victory every step of the way. Boeing says the subsidies paid to Airbus were much bigger, while Airbus claims the U.S. breach of the rules was much more heinous.

The United States case claims the EU failed to withdraw subsidies for Airbus as required by Dec 1, 2011, and triggered a WTO arbitration to claim up to $10 billion. That process is effectively frozen until the two sides have exhausted other legal avenues.

Many trade experts expect the two sides to attempt to negotiate a settlement as the legal appeals and counter-appeals become increasingly entangled.

Such a deal could pave the way to wider agreement on subsidizing large civil aircraft, involving China, Japan, Brazil, Canada and Russia, which joined the WTO last month.

The industry is so capital-intensive that some experts say it is impossible to build big planes without government help. A global pact could set rules for subsidies, avoiding future spats among WTO members where airliners are built.

Frederico Curado, chief executive of Brazilian planemaker Embraer, told Reuters on Tuesday he hoped such an agreement would follow resolution of the Airbus-Boeing dispute.

Speaking on the sidelines of a WTO conference, Curado recalled a dispute between Brazil and Canada on aircraft financing 12 years ago that led to the creation of an agreement on aircraft financing, the Aircraft Sector Understanding.

"Hopefully from those two (WTO dispute) panels between the EU and United States, a similar framework agreement, a framework governance, could be reached. I think it will be important for the whole industry.

"Not only for the EU and U.S. but also for Brazil, for Canada, for Japan, for China and Russia, especially in those two countries with a state of capitalism where the frontier between a company and the state is very blurred. So something like that would be very important."

(Reporting by Tom Miles, additional reporting by John O'Donnell in Brussels and Doug Palmer in Washington and Alwyn Scott in Seattle; Editing by Stephen Powell, Xavier Briand and Daniel Magnowski)


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Green light given to driverless cars in California

7 hrs.

California took?the fast lane to the future on Tuesday when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that lets self-driving cars onto public roads.

Brown rode to the signing ceremony at Google headquarters in the passenger seat of a vehicle that steered itself, a Prius modified by Google. Google co-founder Sergey Brin and State Sen. Alex Padilla, who sponsored the bill, were along for the ride. An engineer for the technology company, Chris Urmson, sat in the driver's seat, but the car drove itself.

"We're looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality," Brown said just before signing the bill.

Google has been working on self-driving technology since 2010, including testing a fleet of self-driving cars along California roadways.

Google's driverless cars rely on video cameras, radar sensors, lasers and a database of information collected from manually driven cars to help navigation, according to the company.

The new law goes into effect next year and establishes safety and performance regulations for testing driverless cars, provided an operator is ready to take control if necessary.

However, it will likely take years before a fully self-driving autonomous vehicle hits the road, industry official say.

"I think the self driving car can really dramatically improve the quality of life," said Brin, who pointed to uses ranging from aiding the blind, ferrying revelers who drank too much, to simply making better use of commuting time.

He added that by driving closer together more safely than human-driven cars, self-driven cars might cut congestion.

But Google has no plans to build its own driverless cars.

"We have had great conversations with a variety of automakers," he said. "Anything we do is going to be in partnership with the industry."

The technology has been in the works since the 1950s, when General Motors showed off "dream cars" with features such as autopilot. Recently, carmakers have started incorporating into today's models some elements based on the innovations in those early vehicles, including adaptive cruise control or traffic-jam technologies that can slow the car automatically.

Carmakers developing autonomous technologies include BMW, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, Nissan,?Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo, as well as suppliers, technology companies and universities.

Chip company Intel created a $100 million fund in February to invest in future auto technology.

Nevada and Florida have already passed laws allowing self-driving cars.?

(c) CopyrightThomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:?


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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Sulfur Hexafluoride For Electrical Applications - Work On the Internet

Sulfur hexafluoride is a colourless, odourless gas having a much higher dielectric strength than air or nitrogen. The SF6 is often used as Dielectric medium in gas insulated switchgears, HV circuit breakers and other electrical equipment.

Sulfur hexafluoride is a very potent greenhuse gas, (22800 times more than CO2). That???s why this gas is under the F-Gas directive in Europe. SF6 can???t be released to the atmosphere.

The arcing or corona in SF6 breakers can degenerate the gas into corrosive or toxic compounds, such as S2F10, or SO2. It is advisable for electric maintenance companies to monitor the gas composition and quality by means of an SF6 Analyzer.

Properties of SF6


Formula: SF6
Molecular weight: 146.05
Sublimation temperatures, at 1 atm: -63.9 °C
-83 °F
Melting point, at 32.5 psia: -50.8 °C
-59.4 °F
Density of gas, at 21.1°C, 1atm: 6.139 g/l
at 70°F, 1 atm: 0.382 g/l
relative to air = 1, at 70°F, 1 atm: ~5
Surface tension, at -20°C: 8.02 dyne/cm
liquid, at 13.52°C: 0.305 cp
gas, at 31.16°C: 0.0157 cp
Index of refraction, at 0°C, 760 mm Hg: 1.0157 nD
Critical temperature, TC: 318.80 K
Critical pressure, PC: 37.772 bars
318.80 atm
Critical volume, VC: 1.356 cm3/g
0.198 liters/g???mole
Solubility of SF6, at 1 atm, in
transformer oil, at 27°C: 4.408 ml of SF6/ml oil
water. At 24.85°C: ~0.0055 cm3 SF6 (STP)/cm3 H20
Solubility of water in SF6: ~0.0097 % by wt


Dielectric strength (rel N2 = 1) at 60 Hz-1.2 MHz: ~2.3-2.5
Dielectric constant at 25°C, 1 atm: 1.002049
Loss tangent. tan ?. 1 atm: Thermodynamic:
Heat of sublimation: 5640 cal/g???mole
Heat of fusion: 1200 cal/g???mole
Heat of vaporization, at 70°F: 28.38 Btu (ISU)/lb
15.767 or at 25°C, cal/g
Free energy of formation, at 25°C, ???G: -291,77 kcal/g???mole
Molar heat capacity, at 298°K: 23.22 cal/g???mole??? °C
Thermal conductivity, 30°C: 3.36 x 10-5 cal/sec???cm???°C
Enthalpy at 70°F, 1 atm: 61.9474 Bt
Entropy at 70°F, 1 atm: 0.15887 Btu/lb???°R
Base enthalpy and entropy = 0.00 at -40°F

Transport of SF6

Sulfur hexafluoride is shipped steel cylinders as a liquefied gas in equilibrium with its own vapours.
The manufacturer shall be able to certify that the material is at least as non-toxic as Group V1 of the Underwriters Laboratories classification.
Product meets the following ASTM specification D2474-75:

Water content, max dew point: -45°C
Hydrolysable fluorides, expressed as HF acidity: 0.3 max ppm by wt
Air expressed as N2, max: 0.05 wt %
Carbon tetrafluoride, max: 0.05 wt %
Molecular weight: 146 =2%
Assay, min: 99.8 wt %
(corresponds to a water content of 8.9 ppm by weight or 71 ppm by volume)

Vapor pressure and density of SF6


-58 -- 9,19 -- 115,4 -- 1,251

-48 -- 27,55 -- 113,7 -- 1,542

-38 -- 38,48 -- 111,9 -- 1,886

-28 -- 49,17 -- 110,1 -- 2,290

-18 -- 62,81 -- 108,1 -- 2,765

-8 -- 78,60 -- 106,2 -- 3,318

0 -- 92,91 -- 104,5 -- 3,826

10 -- 113,08 -- 102,4 -- 4,552

20 -- 135,96 -- 100,1 -- 5,396

30 -- 161,77 -- 97,7 -- 6,377

40 -- 190,70 -- 95,2 -- 7,519

50 -- 222,98 -- 92,4 -- 8,857

60 -- 258,82 -- 89,4 -- 10,439

70 -- 298,49 -- 86,1 -- 12,336

80 -- 342,30 -- 82,4 -- 14,669

90 -- 390,70 -- 77,9 -- 17,657

100 -- 444,36 -- 72,2 -- 21,823

110 -- 504,50 -- 62,9 -- 29,147

114,15 -- 531,89 -- 45,3 -- 36,398


-50,0 -- 1,323 -- 18482,8 -- 200,4

-44,4 -- 1,900 -- 18207,4 -- 247,0

-38,9 -- 2,653 -- 17923,1 -- 302,1

-33,3 -- 3,390 -- 17628,7 -- 366,9

-27,8 -- 4,330 -- 17323,2 -- 442,8

-22,2 -- 5,419 -- 17005,2 -- 531,5

-17,8 -- 6,406 -- 16740,9 -- 612,8

-12,2 -- 7,796 -- 16396,4 -- 729,2

-6,7 -- 9,374 -- 16034,0 -- 864,3

-1,1 -- 11,154 -- 15650,6 -- 1021,4

4,4 -- 13,149 -- 15242,1 -- 1204,5

10,0 -- 15,374 -- 14802,9 -- 1418,7

15,6 -- 17,845 -- 14325,0 -- 1672,2

21,1 -- 20,580 -- 13796,1 -- 1976,1

26,7 -- 23,601 -- 13195,4 -- 2349,7

32,2 -- 26,938 -- 12484,5 -- 2828,3

37,8 -- 30,638 -- 11571,3 -- 3495,8

43,3 -- 34,784 -- 10076,4 -- 4669,0

45,6 -- 36,673 -- 7250,0 -- 5830,4

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Some Surefire Tips For Home Improvement ... - Energy Efficiency

People have always been interested in home improvement. Some people are looking to upgrade their home, some need more space, and others just want to spruce up the appearance. When you?re a homeowner, you?ll likely find that your house can always use a little home improvement work. Read this article for information about making changes to your home.

If your home has low ceilings, use window treatments to add the illusion of higher ceilings. To make the ceilings seem higher, simply position the curtain rod, drapes and valances, higher up on the wall above windows.

Get an electrician to install outlets inside cabinets located near your appliances. You can now hide the cord to your microwave. This relatively simple step makes a big difference in the way your kitchen looks.

When you are redoing a room, make sure you consider the 60/30/10 rule. You should use your dominant color in 60% of your room, your secondary color in 30% of your room and the remaining 10% of your color choice as the accent color. In most rooms, you?ll find that this means employing the dominant color on the painting of the walls, the secondary shade in the upholstery of the furniture, and the accent color on accessories.

As you consider home improvement projects, think how long any appliances you may buy will actually last. New refrigerators last about 20 years, but dryers and washers only last a bit more than half of that time. When you are doing improvements, invest in good appliances.

People put a lot of time and money into installing showy features like radiant floor heating. That said, they don?t invest in the needed repairs like exterior paint. Potential buyers are more likely to notice these obvious flaws and believe the home to be a fixer-upper. The first impression your buyers get is very important.

Work with construction adhesive and remove the squeaks from your floors. You may need to do it from your basement or even the crawlspace, but this is one improvement that is worth the effort. You will basically be gluing each floor joist to its neighbor by applying a glue line along each one with a caulking gun.

Chandeliers might also be a nice touch. A sparkling chandelier is ideal for adding visual impact to your living area or formal dining area; many designs are available for only a few hundred dollars. For more brightness, get a lighting fixture with wattage between 200-400.

Maintaining a home improvement budgets goes a long way toward maintaining or increasing the value of your home, so aim for setting money aside as a budget for handing any repairs or upgrades. Anyone who owns a home and is able to commit a certain amount annually toward home maintenance ensures his or her home stays in tip-top condition. If there is money left in this budget at the end of the year, it can be saved for bigger home improvement projects in the future.

If your contractor want you to pay cash in return for a discount, it is often a warning sign that something illegal is going on. Paying with cash won?t give you the records you?ll need to produce should anything go wrong.

Notify your neighbors if you plan to be making home improvements that require street use. Blocking some or the entire road is usually needed when doing major renovations, for shifting equipment and making deliveries. Giving your neighbors plenty of warning will be appreciated.

Inspiration is all around you! Check out home improvement and decorating blogs, home and garden shows and popular magazines for ideas. Don?t worry, if you aren?t planning any projects, just now. Defining your style and planning for future projects is a great way to avoid problems when you do start your project. As well, if you know what you want to do well in advance, you can start buying materials a bit at a time.

As stated previously, home improvement projects have been popular to a lot of people because the could both increase their house?s value and also improve the way it looks. In even the newest home, there is always an opportunity for improvement. If you follow the advice from the above article, you can make home improvements that fit your skills and needs.

Richie Vee, the site?s editor, is the Chief Engineer of one of the largest Platinum LEED buildings in NYC. His extensive engineering experience helps guide consumers through home improvement projects for the average homeowner. Using home solar energy and roofing repair ideas to save them money.


Mayim Bialik

Green Blog: On Our Radar: Toyota Retrenches on Electric Cars

Toyota scraps plans for wide sales of a new all-electric minicar, saying that it had misread the market and the ability of battery technology to satisfy consumers. Now it plans to sell only about 100 battery-powered eQ vehicles in the United States and Japan. [Reuters]

A plus for the Obama campaign? Eighty percent of likely voters who remain undecided believe that global warming is happening, while only 3 percent say it is not happening, a new survey shows. Two out of three undecided voters say that if it is happening, it is mostly human-caused. [Yale Project on Climate Change Communication]

The main satellite used for monitoring the weather in eastern North America and the Atlantic Ocean is switched to standby mode and a backup is enlisted after the satellite experiences increasing interference. The event may offer a taste of what lies ahead as satellites age and the nation puts off investing in a new generation of them. [Climate Central]

Who is the greenest character on television? [Grist]


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Monday 24 September 2012

Fall Atlanta Home Show Wows Attendees - Atlanta Real Estate Forum

Atlanta new homes and more benefit at Fall Atlanta Home ShowThis past weekend, attendees of? the Fall Atlanta Home Show were wowed. Last weekend?s event is just one of two annual shows at the Cobb Galleria Centre that give local and national home d?cor and improvement experts a chance to strut their stuff for builders, remodelers and homeowners. This year?s show was headlined by HGTV?s Vern Yip, John Gidding and Tonya M. Williams, and it stuffed the Cobb Galleria Center?s exhibit hall with booths, demonstrations and more to benefit Atlanta real estate.

While everything home-related was present, from mortgage banks to emergency shelter manufacturers, it seemed the largest number of exhibitors were outdoor home improvement companies. There were many displays showing off everything from deck materials to elaborate outdoor scenery designs like waterways, outdoor kitchens and fully-featured patios. While such luxuries had fallen out of style with the weaker economy, their booming presence on the show floor was a strong showing of a healthier market.

In addition, trends toward environmentally-friendly building continued to be popular at this year?s show. Additional green options were available all over the show. These included solar energy additions, energy-saving operations, improved insulation systems and recycled products from countertops to insulation. Environmental building and retrofit?s popularity is still on the rise.

If you missed the show, you can look forward to seeing the best in home improvement and design next year, with the Spring and Fall Home Shows at the Cobb Galleria Centre and the North Atlanta Home Show at the Gwinnett Center. To learn about dates, Like the Atlanta Home Show on Facebook and bookmark!


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Science News Daily || Nvidia exec says consoles will die??

The Nintendo Wii U and the rumoured Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 will be the last generation of console hardware, according to Nvidia's cloud gaming boss.Phil Eisler, who heads up the GeForce Grid Cloud Gaming department, says improvements in technology and the lowering of server costs will mean the streaming experience will eventually become dominant.He told VentureBeat in an interview: "The thing about the consoles ? they say this is the last console, and I am certainly a believer in that. The last one is almost 10 years old now in terms of the technology."The good thing about cloud gaming is it's going to get better every year. One of the reasons we're investing in it is we see that there are some issues today, but they're all solvable, and they're all moving in the right direction. Bandwidth is going up. The cost of server rooms is going down. We're bringing latency down. "The experience will just get better and better every year, to the point where I think it will become the predominant way tha

Nvidia exec says consoles will die??

Nvidia exec Phil Eisler says the next generation of consoles may very well be the last, as he believes cloud-based gaming is poised to supplant traditional console systems. read more ...

19 hours ago from TG Daily


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Domestic Short Hair - Banana - Large - Adult - Female - Cat | Camp ...

Domestic Short Hair - Banana - Large - Adult - Female - Cat

The public is welcome to come adopt a patriotic pet from the Camp Pendleton Animal Shelter. All pets are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and micro-chipped prior to adoption. Adoption Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please DO call the shelter to check on the adoption availability date for our pets to make sure the one you want is ready to go! PHONE: 760-725-8120

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Pet has been spayed/neutered

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