Monday 24 September 2012

Science News Daily || Nvidia exec says consoles will die??

The Nintendo Wii U and the rumoured Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 will be the last generation of console hardware, according to Nvidia's cloud gaming boss.Phil Eisler, who heads up the GeForce Grid Cloud Gaming department, says improvements in technology and the lowering of server costs will mean the streaming experience will eventually become dominant.He told VentureBeat in an interview: "The thing about the consoles ? they say this is the last console, and I am certainly a believer in that. The last one is almost 10 years old now in terms of the technology."The good thing about cloud gaming is it's going to get better every year. One of the reasons we're investing in it is we see that there are some issues today, but they're all solvable, and they're all moving in the right direction. Bandwidth is going up. The cost of server rooms is going down. We're bringing latency down. "The experience will just get better and better every year, to the point where I think it will become the predominant way tha

Nvidia exec says consoles will die??

Nvidia exec Phil Eisler says the next generation of consoles may very well be the last, as he believes cloud-based gaming is poised to supplant traditional console systems. read more ...

19 hours ago from TG Daily


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