Tuesday 30 October 2012

Are Universities Preparing Us For Work or Life? | Peace is Our True ...

This is a poem I felt inspired to write in response to the Humanities and Arts cuts at La Trobe University. I studied Peace Studies at this university and it was one of the most significant years of my life. I found out recently the Lecturer, an expert on Gandhi, retired and was not replaced. I asked this lecturer once had any lecturers as intellectual colleagues asked him about Gandhi, he said no-one. I asked this to see if there was intellectual curiosity or a sense of seeking answers for the times we are in. This area had many politics lecturers in it. It seemed they saw him as a historical figure without relevance in the modern era. I just marvelled at his response.

I would like to place a few quotes before you for reflection. These are a couple of quotes from Einstein in reference to one of the worlds greatest humanitarians, he was quoted:

?I believe that Gandhi?s views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in anything you believe is evil.?

On of his most famous quotes was:

?Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as [Gandhi] ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.?

And one last one from Gandhi which helps me to remember my true strength.

?Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.?

I consider this subject the most important subject of our times and the one we all must learn if we are to find true happiness.

The arts in all its forms is right brain thinking/feeling at it is the place where we truly connect to our humanity.? It is part of the brain that opens to solutions.? If we start placing money values on producing products and services and see no value in the arts, we will lose one of the most powerful avenues for crafting our civilisation.?

When I made a decision to study Peace I knew clearly I was not going for the money, I was following my heart and higher calling. I have never regreted the life I?ve lived, it has been the happiest choice and one that I have no regret about. I could be languishing at a desk feeling unfullfilled and that my life was wasted. How many feel like that??

Many find at the end of their lives it was never money that made them happy, it was the humanity others showed them. That is the true wealth of nations. Universities in truth are a public good they were never for users pay philosophy. Government funded ?public goods? (e.g. utilities, schools, hospitals) were to ensure that they were not for profit but for people. The lack of funding for universities to retain their independence in my view was a signficiant error and was not in the public interest.

I share this poem with love for all. I ask what type of education will we choose?

Will we choose education to create more workers aspiring to profit?


Will we utilise higher education to create a greater civilisation aspiring to prophets (wisdom)?

The choice is yours.


Is La Trobe World Ready?

Is La Trobe World Ready,
Or ready for the real world?

Is humanity losing?
Or are we losing our humanity?

Do we understand the diversity of unity?
Or the Ouroboros of unity in diversity?

Do we manage by agenda?
Or do we learn to rebalance gender?
For balanced decision making includes the feminine and masculine,
For one sees models and structures in the academic landscape,
The other re-models and restructures the emotional landscapes
to adapt to change.

Is the logo a brand image?
Or a wedge tailed eagle with a long tale?
For the Bunjil is the creator of all living and natural things,
Giving guidance to those in need whenever there is a fearsome time,
A time of doubt,
Uncertainty about how to get off the roundabout,
Questioning which way to go,
For the wind of change is blowing in a new direction.
Is it the wind power of a renewable future?
Or the power of business-as-usual dictating the terms of reference?
For the fearsome time is upon us,
As Standards are Poor in the new economic measures,
Economic indicators plummet without credit,
As Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does not produce
Gross National Happiness (GNH),
Corruption is the new global deal that oils the wheels of industry,
As wars of aggression foster desert storms and Russian roulette,
And Chinese checkers becomes the new game where many see only black or white.

2012 is the Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon
It is foreseen as a year of unpredictable events,
A critical year raising the consciousness of humanity,
That no longer exists in schools of thought,
For awareness cannot be bought by degrees,
It can only be sought in reflection and ease,
Expanding concentric waves of a new spiritual era.
The economic paradigm is a Prisoners Dilemma,
That sees a game in theory,
Yet humanity is the end game when seen,
The dilemma is whether to betray the truth or remain silent?
For the highest truth is to Know Thyself and ?to thine own self be true?,
As the ruse is the silence of the lambs in collusion
keeping the game going at a bearish rate,
Yet the end game is approaching.

The economic paradigm imprisons freedom of speech in truth,
For one is paid to work not participate in an Agora of shared interests,
Yet a true democracy represents the people inspiring collaboration,
An economic oligarchy represents special interests demanding yields,
Yet industrial averages are diminishing returns in the longer term,
As diminishing top soil is the fool?s gold that yields deserts and droughts,
For Climate change is real without doubt,
A silent seal yields inclement weather,
Raising tempers and temperatures worldwide,
As triple bottom line tipping points catalyse the domino effect
subject to gravity,
To realise chaos is not subject to control.

So my friends ?

A Brave New World or a braver world looking in the pond
of deeper reflection?
For what we see in this World is a reflection of ourselves,
Please remember the Philosophers Stone is not the statue of liberty unmoved by change,
It is the liberty to change what appears set in stone,
For poetry is the philosophy of Art,
Accessing truth from a kaleidoscope of perspectives and infinite possibilities,
It is the water that naturally flows around stone,
For Art is not idle musings or amusing to be idle,
It is the mustard seed of great wisdom and higher knowledge,
Inspiring the kernel of new ideas,
That can move mountains.

For anyone can remove Art as a Degree,
But you can never silence degrees of freedom,
For artists were never contained by fortune or fame,
They are the torch bearers carrying the eternal flame,
Shining the light of truth on the future we will create,
Chiselling the words on all university walls,

?it is never too late to change
change is inevitable
Be the change you wish to see
The truth will always set you free?.

Source: http://wpas.worldpeacefull.com/2012/10/are-universities-preparing-us-for-work-or-life/

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