Thursday 29 November 2012

Depressed about Your Internet Business?Spend More Time ...

I was reminded the other day about the importance of list building for your internet business. And it got it me thinking (once again) that if anyone is to be successful in internet marketing? they cannot do it if they do not have a strong, loyal, list.

Now the very definition of a list in the internet marketing world is primarily an email list. However in today?s social media times, we can and should also include lists from Facebook fan page followers or Twitter followers, YouTube, etc.

But let?s not go crazy?nothing compares to having a strong email list. There are exceptions and you can even combined the two in some instances. I will give you that but I?m convinced that there is nothing more important than having a strong email list.? Period.

I would say the second most important thing to success in online marketing would be web traffic. But if you have a big list of loyal followers you can just about create your own traffic from it with one simple email.

So if you are feeling depressed about your internet marketing business? If it?s not going exactly how you planned it, then it?s time to focus on building your list today.

Most people who fail online do so because they have failed to build a list. And this should be the backbone of your online business.

In fact I?d say just stop everything you were planning to do and concentrate on this only. Here?s what the list can do fit you.

  • The list brings you power.
  • The list brings you independence.
  • The list brings you leverage.
  • The list brings you affiliates.
  • The list brings you traffic.
  • The list brings you partnerships.
  • Oh yeah? The list brings you Money!

And from the very beginning of the internet marketing industry, this has never changed. And contrary to the few people who may tell you otherwise, this will never, ever change.

I mean really? We?re talking about free advertising. You never have to pay for this advertising. Now you can charge others to advertise to your list? Again leverage. But that?s something for another article.

Just remember that no internet business can survive without a loyal email list. Large or small, it doesn?t matter. It can?t be done without The List.??Anyone who tells you otherwise, doesn?t have your best interest at heart.

So be depressed no longer?start your plan to build your list and thus, your online business to greater heights starting now.

So it?s build your list or die. Make that your new motto. Go ahead and make it happen.? See more on listbuilding here.

Now the internet marketer that reminded me of this once again, was the Gillamonster, Matt Gill. So I felt it only right to show you guys his offer? It?s closing soon so check it out.


About Bryan S Arnold

Bryan S Arnold is an avid writer with a passion for copywriting, blogging, and helping people market their businesses online. And if you ask nicely, he might just sing a tune for you.

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