Saturday 3 November 2012

Desert Island Beers ? David Gaughan, New Zealand ...

Meet David Gaughan,? director and brewer, at Golden Eagle Brewery, Rolleston, Canterbury, New Zealand. David was born and raised in Rotherham, South Yorkshire and after finishing secondary school followed his father into the steel industry with the newly privatized United Engineering Steels (formerly British Steel). After nearly 20 years there he used his experience and qualifications to move to New Zealand as a marine castings manager in 2006.

David says it was then he found that he really missed the diversity of the real ale scene back in England and armed only with the experience of drinking ales, in 2009 he decided to become a part time brewer, albeit a home brewer. He ?researched and researched, designed his own 60 litre all grain brewing system and began making beer. He won the first home brew competition he entered and drew 2nd, 1st, and 2nd in subsequent competitions.

Around a year after starting to brew, David went commercial, selling 40 litres of cask conditioned ale a week. Good reviews and happy customers gave him the incentive to brew more. Plans to build a microbrewery were hampered by the Canterbury earthquake, but he still had the desire to brew, so he utilized another local breweries? facility (Three Boys Brewery) to brew his recipes at the weekends when they didn?t operate. That was May 2011.

David currently produces a permanent range of 5 beers, with bottled and draught available nationwide along with 2 collaboration beers with Raindogs Brewing Co., one of which took a silver in the NZ brewing awards this year. David also brews experimental and one off brews on the pilot kit.

David has in recent years judged in the BrewNZ awards and also the NZ national homebrew competition and has recently made collaboration brews with theBrew in Shanghai and took his South Island Pale Ale recipe back to Rotherham collaborating with Wentworth brewery.

Now that the earthquakes have receded David has plans in place to open a shared brewery with his good friends at Raindogs Brewing Co. with hopefully production starting sometime early in 2013.

The Beers

Hi David; great to have you as a castaway; which 5 beers would you want to have with you if you were stranded on our Desert Island and why?

Golden Eagle Brewery ? South Island Pale Ale (S.I.P.A.) ? (Rolleston, New Zealand ? 5.5%)

?This was my first competition winning home brew and subsequently became my first commercial bottle release. It?s on the darker end of the colour scale for pales, but has a nice caramel profile on the palette. Using five different NZ hop varieties, the flavour is complex and really gets the mind working, picking out fruit associations.?

Wentworth Brewery Company ? Wentworth Pale Ale ? (WOPPA) ? (Rotherham, England ? 4.0%)

?Being a Rotherham lad and Wentworth being the only Rotherham brewery, WOPPA was my go to session beer for many years before I left to live in New Zealand. With a great fruitiness from the Cascade hops and the distinct bitterness it delivers, WOPPA is high on my list of must have beers.?

Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider & Sohn ? ?Schneider Weisse Meine Hopfen-Weisse ? (Kelheim, Germany ? 8.2%)

?I recently discovered this wheat beer whilst in Munich, straight from the brewery bar tap. The combination of flavours from the house yeast mixed with the sweet aroma and flavor from the generous hopping makes this beer a winner for me. Love at first ?bite?.?

Black Sheep Brewery ? Black Sheep Ale ? (Masham, North Yorkshire ? 4.4%)

?I love everything about Black Sheep Brewery. From the determination of Paul Theakston in the early days to the way they have successfully developed the business. Any of their range could be in my top 5, but Black Sheep Ale is my pick of the bunch, just for its drinkability.?

?The Twisted Hop ? Enigma ? (Christchurch, New Zealand ? 10.5%) ?

?My 5th choice has to be something for those cool nights, when thoughts would be provoked and a satisfying warmth would be delivered from the drink. So my choice is The Twisted Hop ? Enigma Barley Wine ? ?Currently out of production due to the interruptions of the Canterbury earthquakes. This American Barley Wine was sensational, full on aroma and flavor from the US hops driven by the alcohol heat and would be a comfort on those cool nights.?

And which beer (of those selected) do you regard most highly, and why?

?A very difficult question, but I would have to pick my own ? SIPA ? because it signifies an achievement for me. If I was told 10 years ago that I would be a commercial brewer in New Zealand, I would never have believed it, but here I am!?

The Meal

You can also take one meal to go with your beers, what would it be and why? Is it a ?last supper? or a perfect pairing for one of the beers?

?Beef & ale pie, homemade chips, mushy peas and HP sauce. Washed down with a Russian Imperial Stout. Need I say more??

The Record

You have a CD/MP3/long player but you can only take one album. Choose wisely!

?This would have to be The Joshua Tree by U2. This album was the one that got me into U2 and for me, was and still is their best work. At the age of 16 I listened to this album over and over, it just seemed to be in tune with my life at that point.?

The Beer Book

You might be waiting a long time on your lonesome on the desert island, so we will automatically allow you a few books to keep your mind busy. You can pick between two beer books and two tomes:

? ?The Brewmaster?s Table: Discovering the Pleasures of Real Beer with Real Food? by Garrett Oliver, or;

? Beer by Michael Jackson; plus;

? The Bible, or;

? another appropriate religious or philosophical work

?1. Beer by Michael Jackson, because he did so much to keep the diversity of beer alive.

2. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle. Explaining how to live in the now would really help if stuck on a desert island.?

The non-beery, non-philosophical book; ?you can also take a something a little less taxing on the brain, what would that be?

?The Guinness book of Records. As one would have so much spare time, trying to beat some of those records would be endless fun!?

The Luxury Item

What luxury item would help make your stay on the island bearable?

?A really comfortable bed. Without sound sleep one would surely go mad??

Many thanks David. For more information on Golden Eagle Brewery beers see their website here or follow the Brewery on Twitter here?or Facebook here.

Have you tried David?s favourite beers? Let us know and many thanks to him for taking part and being our castaway for the week.

This article was simultaneously posted at Real Ale Reviews on 2nd November 2012 as part of a collaboration on ?Desert Island Beers?.


Tags: Black Sheep Brewery ? Black Sheep Ale, David Gaughan, Desert Island Beers, Golden Eagle Brewery, Golden Eagle Brewery ? South Island Pale Ale, The Twisted Hop - Enigma, Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider & Sohn ? Schneider Weisse Meine Hopfen-Weisse, Wentworth Brewery Company - Wentworth Pale Ale


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