Thursday 10 January 2013

Ohio school under criminal investigation after having students ...

Asbestos ExposureOhio students as young as 13 spent several weekends removing asbestos from a YWCA at the direction of their school. The students from the Buckeye Education School were allegedly not provided any protection or told that the debris contained the cancer-causing material asbestos.

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency began investigating the school in December 2012 after receiving a complaint from the neighborhood. The agency reported that exposed pipes, flooring tiles, and duct fabric were all filled with asbestos.

Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma cancer, a deadly form of cancer that can attack the lungs and abdominal cavity. When disturbed, millions of asbestos fibers fill the air. If inhaled, the fibers can lead to asbestosis or mesothelioma, which may take decades to develop.



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