Thursday 17 January 2013

Today on New Scientist: 16 January 2013

Social antics in ants inherited like sex chromosomes

Complex social behaviour in ants is passed from generation to generation in the same way as sex chromosomes

Low-power laser may keep blindness at bay

A promising laser treatment, which works in a mysterious way, is shaking up our understanding of a major cause of vision loss in the West

Tireless underwater robot is half fish, half jet plane

A robot fish can spend an indefinite time cruising rivers to sample water quality thanks to its gliding groove

Video captures disco clams producing strobe light show

Watch a unique mollusc demonstrate a flashing light display as it unfurls the edge of its lip

Japan to build world's largest offshore wind farm

Construction starts this July on a 1-gigawatt wind farm off the coast of Fukushima, as the nation moves another step away from its nuclear dependence

Why trees can't grow taller than 100 metres

The taller the tree, the smaller its leaves. The explanation for this, it turns out, also sets a limit on how tall trees can grow

Good to glow: Auroras hide array of planetary secrets

The spectacular light shows in our polar skies don't just happen on Earth. Glimpses of the auroras on other planets could reveal a world of information

NASA rover ready to drill into Martian rock

The Mars Curiosity rover has discovered rocks shot through with veins of pale minerals, probably created by flowing water. It's time to start drilling

What's the economic value of nature?

Putting a price on the impact of nature may help us understand its true worth, argues environmentalist Tony Jupiter in What Has Nature Ever Done for Us?

Uncanny android sightings, from Freud to Hollywood

Long before anyone had heard of the "uncanny valley", people knew that human-like artificial beings can make us feel uncomfortable

Why musical genius comes easier to early starters

Musicians who start before the age of 7 develop better connectivity in the part of the brain involved in the synchronisation of the hands - useful for would-be virtuosos

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